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Keeping in Touch with United Way

Banner image thanking United Way. There are 6 people in the background smiling and holding a sign.

Even with today’s advancements in computer technology, people with disabilities continue to face accessibility challenges. As a result, benefits such as greater communication, access to information, and even leisurely digital activities are difficult to impossible for people with varying physical limitations. To address this issue, United Way was committed to supporting Sunrise Community of Southwest Florida’s Cape Coral operations for the purchase of several disability-friendly tablet devices and software.

When it comes to users with disabilities, researchers have shown one of the key advantages tablets have over a standard desktop computer is its flexibility (Buchholz, Holmgren, & Ferm, 2020). Thanks to a wide array of built-in adaptive features such as touch screens and multiple methods of connectivity as well as its inherent portability, tablets can be an excellent choice for people with limited motor functionality or mobility.

In general terms, similar research has also shown how beneficial access to modern computer technology can be for people with disabilities. Tablets, specifically, have led to increased communication with friends and family, a greater sense of self, and the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills (Chadwick, Quinn, & Fullwood, 2016). In other words, tablets can be a great addition to any program that provides services to people with disabilities!

That is why we are so grateful for United Way’s funding to create a more robust computer lab program. At Sunrise’s Cape Coral Day program, the individuals we support have greatly enjoyed the increased connectivity to the community that these new tablets provide. Thanks to incredible supporters such as the United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades, Sunrise can provide greater access to life-altering technologies to the people we serve.

We applaud United Way for their continuing partnership and support of people with disabilities!


Buchholz, M., Holmgren, K., & Ferm, U. (2020). Remote communication for people with disabilities: Support persons’ views on benefits, challenges, and suggestions for technology development. Technology and Disability, 69-80.

Chadwick, D., Quinn, S., & Fullwood, C. (2016). Perceptions of the risks and benefits of Internet access and use by people with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disability, 21-31.