As the scope and scale of the Coronavirus has grown, so has our commitment to do everything in our power to ensure the health and safety of those who we support, as well as our staff. We are faithfully following the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), each individual state’s department of health and the various emergency orders provided by cities, counties and states.
We are constantly educating and informing our staff in ways to help them protect themselves, and in turn the residents. We are working closely with the people we support to ensure they feel safe and provide assurance to them as they cope with the many necessary changes that are taking place. As essential employees, we continue to provide 24-hour services to those who need it most. We are thankful and so appreciative to our staff and the families, as we work toward getting accustomed to our new routines and way of life.
We encourage virtual communication whenever possible, but, are committed to making sure the lines of communication are always open and robust. So although we may be physically apart the sharing of information to those we serve, maintains the highest possible standards.
Be assured, we are dedicated to continuing our mission and believe that we’ll all be stronger in the end.