This past Wednesday, June 7th, Sunrise Northeast was visited by some very special guests! Phil Blonski of the United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut and Karen Kahrmann from The Hartford stopped by the Hartford Day Program Center to show their support for the Sunrise mission. Led by Karen, a team of employees from The Hartford worked diligently throughout the morning to transform the outside garden space of our center.

A group of volunteers plant flowers in the garden area along the front driveway.
The incredible group of volunteers cleared out weeds, pruned and tidied up our rose bushes, as well as planting an assortment of new additions to the garden, such as dragon’s breath, lavender, and so many flowers! Thanks to their efforts, our Hartford Day Program looks more vibrant than ever! Both the staff and individuals love the Spring-fueled look of our home away from home.

We are so grateful for the continued support from dedicated community partners such as The Hartford and United Way! Thank you, The Hartford and United Way!