Fairfax Location

Services Offered
Community-Based Residential Services
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Community-Based Residential Services offer 24-hour staff support focusing on each person’s strengths and working towards increasing independence. Depending on each person’s individual needs services in the homes may range from minimal support and supervision to specialized complex medical and behavioral supports. Respite is available in certain locations upon request.
Day Program and Community Options
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Day Program and Community Options give people access to the resources necessary for them to live valued lives in the community. Through this program people can increase social skills, develop self-esteem and build relationships.
Supported Living and Drop-In Services
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Supported Living and Drop-In Services assist people living with their family, on their own or in other community living arrangements. Services can include, but are not limited to, personal care, health, safety, daily living skills, personal finances and community access.
Sponsored Residential
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Sponsored Residential Services take place in a licensed or DBHDS-authorized residential home. These services consist of skill-building, routine supports and health and safety support; this enables the person(s) supported to acquire, retain, or enhance their self-development, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in a community-based setting – natural home environment. These supports may be provided individually or simultaneously to up to two individuals living in that home and is provided to both children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities.