Waterloo Location

Phone: (319) 888-6465
Services Offered
Supported Community Living (SCL) Services
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Supported Community Living (SCL) Services in Iowa empower people with disabilities to live independently in the community. These services cater to daily living needs and include personal and home skills training, individual advocacy, community skills training, personal environment support, transportation, and treatment services.
Settings: SCL services are provided in the member’s home or other community settings.
Hours: Support ranges from a few hours per month to several hours per day, based on individual needs.
Goals: SCL services aim to help members develop or regain independent living skills and increase community involvement.
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Des Moines Location

Phone: (515) 706-0110
Services Offered
Supported Community Living (SCL) Services
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Supported Community Living (SCL) Services in Iowa empower people with disabilities to live independently in the community. These services cater to daily living needs and include personal and home skills training, individual advocacy, community skills training, personal environment support, transportation, and treatment services.
Settings: SCL services are provided in the member’s home or other community settings.
Hours: Support ranges from a few hours per month to several hours per day, based on individual needs.
Goals: SCL services aim to help members develop or regain independent living skills and increase community involvement.
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